Career Development Coaching
If you are struggling with work-related stress, want to hone your skills in order to progress or are thinking of a complete change of direction, then you will certainly benefit from the career development coaching available from our New York advisors here at British Executive Coach. Suitable for individuals at all stages of their careers, our coaching can help you to make the most of yourself, your experience and your capabilities. Ultimately, we aim to guide you forward in your career with a renewed confidence and set of skills designed for success.
Clients come to us for career coaching for a number of reasons. Often, entrepreneurs and business leaders are under an extraordinary amount of pressure. Demands can be constant, and you may feel that you are struggling to cope. Our New York coaches are among the best in the country, and can act as unbiased, non-judgmental sounding boards, allowing you to express your concerns in a way that you perhaps can’t do elsewhere. We can then work with you on developing personal coping strategies that are perfectly tailored to you. Other skills that we may deem necessary for your stress management could include assertiveness or leadership, and we can also help to identify any needs here and work towards developing them.
Alternatively, you may feel that you are a crossroads within your career. You could be wondering how to show superiors that you are ready for promotion, or whether you are better off taking an entirely new career path. Through open and encouraging discussion with one of our career development coaches, we can help you to gain focus and vision on where you are moving next. By exploring your ideas, we can build your confidence so that whatever choice you make is informed and reasoned.
Career coaching will also help you on a personal level to identify your key skills and qualities. Not only will this give you a greater sense of self-awareness, but you will also learn how these attributes are transferable into a job role or work environment. You will leave your coaching aware of how best to utilize your talents; something that is invaluable for anyone facing challenges in their careers.
For more information on how our career development coaching in New York can help you, contact us today.